Okay, so this is really not about aircraft carriers; it's more pictures of the family, but I couldn't come up with a good A-word, and after all, I have served on three different aircraft carriers (if only for short periods of time).
Yesterday, we saw some pictures of Aidan. Now for more pictures, including Ellie, Ryan, and Jack. The first day I was in town we ate at a wonderful little Korean place. Here are the boys.

Here's Jack watching TV. He has a DVD called Baby Einstein, which I also found captivating. (It's in seven languages, teaches common phrases, alphabets, and simple songs in Hebrew, Italian, Russian, Japanese, French, German, and English).

Here's another view of the little guy watching his DVD (i.e. learning seven languages).

Here are some shots of Aidan and Jack.

Aidan is always talking to his little brother and loves to hold him and play with him.

As Ellie said on her blog, sometimes you take a bunch of pictures, and you just have to post them all. Here's another shot of the boys.

Jack seems to be saying, "Where am I, and what am I doing here?"

Oh, okay, everything's all right now.

Here he is—sleeping sweetly. Frère Jacques; Dormez-vous?

A picture before saying goodbye at the airport.
A family picture.
Yesterday, we saw some pictures of Aidan. Now for more pictures, including Ellie, Ryan, and Jack. The first day I was in town we ate at a wonderful little Korean place. Here are the boys.

Here's Jack watching TV. He has a DVD called Baby Einstein, which I also found captivating. (It's in seven languages, teaches common phrases, alphabets, and simple songs in Hebrew, Italian, Russian, Japanese, French, German, and English).

Here's another view of the little guy watching his DVD (i.e. learning seven languages).

Here are some shots of Aidan and Jack.

Aidan is always talking to his little brother and loves to hold him and play with him.

As Ellie said on her blog, sometimes you take a bunch of pictures, and you just have to post them all. Here's another shot of the boys.

Jack seems to be saying, "Where am I, and what am I doing here?"

Oh, okay, everything's all right now.

Here he is—sleeping sweetly. Frère Jacques; Dormez-vous?

A picture before saying goodbye at the airport.

And a silly version.
Sabba saying goodbye to Jack.
Oh, and about those aircraft carriers. Here they are. I spent a short time on the John F. Kennedy (CV-67) in the North Atlantic and again in the Mediterranean.
I spent a month or so on USS America (CV-66) in the Med.
USS Independence (CV-62) had a long escalator to bring flight crews quickly from below decks. I did a couple of months TAD (Temporary Additional Duty) aboard Indy in the Mediterranean.
Here she is in Yokosuka, Japan, which happens to have been my last duty station.
Orig: 5/20/08
How did I not know you were stationed on aircraft carriers ?? And three of them !?! Were you actually on the Independence or did you do two tours on the JFK ? When were you stationed on them ? Was I so young that I don't remember ?
Love the photos of the family ... I have snagged a few of them to put on my blog !!
I did a couple months on Indy in the Med, a month on America in the Med, and two short TAD trips on JFK, one of about a month in the North Atlantic, where I became a Bluenose (I'll write about that some day; it has to do with crossing the Arctic Circle on a ship) and another tour of a couple of months in the Med. My other TAD out of Rota was three months aboard USS Lasalle in the Persian Gulf. You were three when we left Spain the first time, so yes, you were too young to remember. I'm glad I got most of my sea time in while you were too young to remember. God bless the guys and gals who spend years away from their families protecting our freedoms.
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