I did not realize they were part of a much larger team called the Killer Bees. Here's a little synopsis from the web site about their team.

Team Killer Bees is a group of 80 riders, who ride at different paces, and have been an award winning team, having raised over $300,000 in the past years for Multiple Sclerosis. They started as a small team of four riders, who one day finished a bike ride at a Killer B pace and thus was born the name of this highly recognized team. Last year, although the Killer Bees were the third largest team, of those three teams, their 49 active riders raised the most per rider ($1,180 each). After many years of participating in this event, the team has raised well over $300,000 to help find a cure!
Congratulations to the Killer Bees and to Bob and Em on a job well done. Thanks for inviting us to vicariously share your joy and excitement in this great accomplishment.
We have the coolest family !!!
I admire anyone who can ride 150 miles and raise money for M.S. I once walked 5 miles in honor of my aunt who had M.S., and wondered if I would make it to the end. I did, with rubbery legs, and at the end was rewarded with a yummy dish of fried polenta with spaghetti sauce, the first time I had ever eaten polenta. Can't remember how much money I raised from the company I worked for. Was invited to a dinner honoring volunteers for M.S. by my company but didn't go as my Aunt didn't want to attend and I didn't want to go without her.
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